User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Allow: /sitemap: Indian Dishes Recipes: Pepper water or Rasam
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pepper water or Rasam

hello everyone,this is the time when everyone wants to stay warm inside ,while it is snowing outside and feast on hot soup, be it chicken or beef or lamb or even the vegetable soup.
But there is one thing that some of the south indians would love to have in this weather,and it is called Rasam.
they have a different way of making it depending upon which part of south India it is cooked in.
I am going to just let you all know the simple and fast way of making this sour and spicy water.

For the ingredients:

  1. Take 1 -2 tsp of pepper corns.
  2. 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds.
  3. 2-3 tablespoon of curry leaves(add more for more aroma and flavour) keep some for seasoning.
  4. 1/2 tsp of red chilly powder.
  5. 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder.
  6. salt to taste.
  7. take tamarind(size of a lemon or less if you want less sourness) soaked in a glass of warm water.
  8. tomatoes 1-2(medium sized) chopped finely.
  9. 1/2 medium sized onion(chopped into medium size chunks) and have some very fine slices for the seasoning.
  10. 1 tsp of sugar.
  11. 5-6 peices of garlic(crushed).
  12. Olive oil- 1 tablespoonful .
  13. musturd seeds.
  14. Asafoetida(1/2 tsp or add less if you don't wnt the flavour.)

  • blend ingredients 1 to 5 together in a coffee grinder.
  • in a pan take the oil and heat.
  • when hot add the musturd seed and let them crackle.
  • add the finely sliced onions and fry until brown in colour
  • add the crushed garlic .
  • add the curry leaves and fry .
  • add hing(asafoetida)
  • followed by the blended dy ingredients (which you blended in the coffee blender).
  • don't let these dry ingredients char(immediately add the tomatoes and onions).
  • followed by the tamarind juice(made by squishing them in the water and straining out the juice).
  • let the mixture come to a boil.

Our tasty Rasam is ready to be attacked along with some white soft rice to go with it and you can have the beef with mint curry of mine in my previous blog as a side dish too.

I am still waiting for some comments on my blog.Please let me know how was this dish.

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